Planning—Seattle, Washington

Yesler Terrace Redevelopment Master Plan

Perry Rose worked with a multi-disciplinary planning team lead by GGLO Architects to create the Yesler Terrace Master Plan, Market Analysis and Preferred Environmental Assessment Alternative for redevelopment of the Seattle Housing Authority's (SHA) Yesler Terrace at 12th and Yesler in Seattle,WA. Nearly 70 years old, many of Yesler Terrace's buildings are reaching the end of their useful life cycle, and its water, sewer and other key systems are failing. The team engaged in a comprehensive planning process to work with stakeholders to design an implementable plan to replace Yesler Terrace's aging housing structures with a revitalized mixed-income community.

In place of a severely distressed center city neighborhood, the Plan envisions a healthy and livable new community that welcomes the diverse people who call Yesler home and supports low-income residents in their quest for self-sufficiency. The plan will also create a safe and dynamic place where residents can connect easily with each other, obtain living wage jobs and high-quality education and health care. The full Yesler Neighborhood Transformation Plan includes replacement of all 561 units of 70-year-old Yesler Terrace public housing. The Plan calls for the creation of up to 4,000 market-rate and 2000 a ordable housing units for households with a full range of incomes. The plan envisions approximately 70,000 square feet of new and revitalized neighborhood retail, educational and cultural facilities, health clinics, urban agriculture, parks, and new infrastructure to reduce resource use. The plan includes a new street network and multimodal transportation system involving bicycles, buses, streetcars to improve safety and foster community. The location of a new streetcar stop will add much needed transit and TOD to the area. In 2011, after completion of the Plan, SHA was awarded a $10 M HUD Choice Neighborhoods Grant to initiate implementation of Phase 1 of the project. Perry Rose was selected to develop the first market rate mixed-use complex in the new development including 100 to 200 apartments and 5,000 square feet of commercial space.

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Project Profile

Master Plan, Market Analysis and Preferred Environmental Assessment Alternative for Redevelopment of Yesler Terrace

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Project Team
Urban Design:
GGLO Architects
Green Infrastructure:
Market Analysis:
Civil Engineering:
Project Status

Completion: 2011

Total Project Size / Budget
70,000 square feet